04 Jun Familia Balderas Sanchez
Familia Balderas Sanchez, Ejido Jose Delgado
Valle Hermoso Tamaulipas
N25’50.987 W097’51.250
Initial contact:
Mr. Balderas Sanchez
Care taker:
Mr. Balderas Sanchez
Casing 1.5” Total depth 28’ feet Static level 10’ feet Pump 3/4 horse 60 Liters per minute
People served:
We live in Eljido Jose Delgado and have lived at the same home for the last 47 years. We have always had the need for a water well. The public water supply come and goes and for very long times. This well will give us a better quality of life. Thank you for the big blessing and may God bless you, thank you.