Rancho los Lozoya
N25°29’34.198” W97°46’5.091″
Josue Gutierrez
Martina Lozoya
23 families with 46 people.
May 16, 2022.
Water is like oxygen you cannot live without it. Not having it or having a little bit, makes life exceedingly difficult today. I thank God and Life Outreach International for this beautiful blessing of a new water well. Ever since I said yes to know Christ, my life has changed in so many ways. I have been attending church with sister Juany. God put her in my path to help me to find a better life. My life has been better, I also thank God for the gift of the water . This is how God shows his love to us. His blessings follow us everywhere, He is able to supply all of our needs. I think God for all he does for us in our community and praise God for this ministry. May God continue to bless Life Outreach International and continue to use people like you to keep being a blessing to many. Thank you and God bless you. Pastor Felipe Cortes gave all of us new Bibles and dedicated the new water well in Jesus’s name.
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11210 Albury Park Lane,
Tomball, TX 77375-7034
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Your giving provides clean water and sanitized living to hundreds of communities in Africa and Mexico.
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