02 Oct North Mexico 2018 LOI Well # 4
Group Name:
Tempo la Roca, Ej. Villa Nueva Matamoros
N26*0’.346’ W97*47.’10.45’
Initial contact:
Felipe Cortez
Jose Luis
Total Depth:
29’.52” feet
Static Level:
12 ’6 ” feet
Electric: GPM: 6.60.
July 02, 2018
People served:
8 Families 40 people.
We are so great full to God and Life Outreach International for this new water well. This church is a church that is very small, and it had no water. My husband and I just graduated from Bible College and was asked to pastor this church. We know this is what God is calling us to do, but with three kids we needed to think about it. The house is not very good condition but most of all not having water made it hard for us. We used to drive back and forth to town to get water. Now that we have the well, we decided to move in town and work full time to spread God’s plan of salvation. We know this well is a sign from God, letting us know He is with us. We thank Life Outreach International so much for this new water well. Please pray for our family and this town that we can provide the Living Water for there souls. This is just like this new well is providing good health to us and the church community. God bless you and thank you from Pastor Jose Luis, family and congregation and community