Jardin de Ninos Antonio Velez Castro
Josué Gutiérrez Falcon
Linda Simentales.
Electric: GPM: 5.28.
30 People and Families 15.
July 20, 2021.
We are about to go back to school and water is a must necessity. We are dealing with lots of civic cases at the moment, we have been dealing with a lot of delinquency. One day going to school, I was stopped by arm people they asked me to get out of the car and they started to search my car. Thank God, they let me go, as many people never return home. Now we have two problems the delinquency and Covid. In order for us to go back to school we need to have water for our kids to wash their hands and be able to mop, disinfect.
On behalf of all the parents we want to thank you, Life Outreach International for this wonderful blessing of this new water well. We pray that God continues to use you as a channel of blessing to many, once again thank you and God bless you. Pastor Felix Cortez dedicated the well and gave out new Bibles.
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Tomball, TX 77375-7034
We are available to help you make your tax-deductible donations. Please reach out with any questions.
Your giving provides clean water and sanitized living to hundreds of communities in Africa and Mexico.
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