Group Name:
La Florida
N 25°.891892″W97°.823716″
Initial contact:
Felipe Cortes
Esther Grimaldo
Total Depth:
Static Level:
People Served:
5 families with 19 people
Testimony :
We are incredibly grateful to God, pastor Felix and pastor Felipe, and your ministry Life Outreach International .This is a place where we give out baskets of food to the elderly and people in need. The government gives us these baskets to give away so many people from our village and other neighbors come here all the time. People have to wait in line and so many times they need to use the bathroom, but we never have water to keep them clean or to do our daily cleaning. We always have to ask neighbors from around the area to give us water but that means we have to haul it from far away. The streets are really bad, and we lose most of it on our way home. We do not have the money to pay for a well or to buy water from the pipe truck that comes around selling water. We are a family that likes to help others but did not have the resources to pay for this new water well. This is not only a benefit for us but all the community. Most of us get paid daily and is not enough to make ends meet. We appreciate what Life Outreach International has done for our families thank you and God bless and your ministry. Pastor Felipe blessed the new water well in Jesus’s name and provided us with new Bibles.