Tanzania 2018 LOI Well # 7



Group Name:

Inuka (Arise) Yeya Village



Initial contact:

Peter Wilson


The group people

Total Depth:


Static Level:



6” reinforced cement rings


India Mark II


July 7, 2018

 People served:

30 families with 233 people.


The village chairman spoke on behalf of the group. He was giving thanks to Life Outreach International; for contributing the new well. The village chairman said this new well will change the health for all the village people.
Note: Tanzania 2018 LOI Well # 7 – Pictures of dirty water.
The river water is clear, and all the village people think since its clear it is ok to use. These pictures are where they were getting their water source from previously. They were bathing, washing clothes, drawing water for consumption along with all the livestock and other animals. When the river dries up during the summer, the village people sift the river bed sand and squeeze the water out for their water source. Our team that installed the new well for this village, said they tasted the water and it tasted just like dung. They Instructed the village chairman and all the village people that it was not safe to use the river water, even though it look clear. Our team also instructed the village people that their health would change using the new well for drinking, cooking, washing clothes and bathing.