13 Nov Tanzania 2019 – LOI Well # 10
Group Name:
Muungano Mhango
Initial contact:
Peter Wilson
The group people
Total Depth:
Static Level:
6” reinforced cement rings
India Mark II
October 01, 2019
People served:
88 families with 372 people.
The group leader and all the village people thanked Life Outreach International for this new well. This new well will bring great changes to the community. Previously the people were getting water from riverbed. They dug a hole down into the riverbed till they hit water, and it made a natural sump. This was not good as the animals would also use it and it was contaminated, but our only water source. We thank God and Life Outreach International for this new well, with good clean water. The health of all of us and especially the children will change immediately. The first picture shown is where we previously got our water and as you can see, this is not good. Once again, we thank Life Outreach International for having the heart to reach out to the remote villages, such as us.