13 Nov Tanzania 2019 – LOI Well # 12
Group Name:
Nweli Kasoli
Initial contact:
Peter Wilson
The group people
Total Depth:
Static Level:
6” reinforced cement rings
India Mark II
October 02, 2019
People served:
79 families with 545 people.
The village people were thankful for Life Outreach International for this new well. The village people are very remote and a very long trip from Wells of Hopes headquarters. They are hopefully planning another new water well in another village in their area next year. They are very pleased with this new well and know they now have clean drinking water. Previously, they had great difficulty in getting clean water, as the first pictures shows, they were getting their water from this dirty ditch, and dirty water. The water that they were drawing from is definitely contaminated. Their containers used to get this water also gets contaminated and they need to boil it before they use it, for human consumption. Rainwater runoff also drains into this open ditch carrying contamination. The animals were getting water from this open ditch which also contaminates it. The Village people said they know their health will change immediately and especially the children. Once again, the village people thanked God and Life Outreach International for providing this new well for our remote village.