Tanzania 2019 – LOI Well # 9

Group Name:

Watumia Majli-Kilalo



Initial contact:

Peter Wilson


The group people

Total Depth:


Static Level:



7 reinforced cement rings


India Mark II


September 09, 2019

People served:

90 families with 697 people.


The group people thanked Life Outreach International for this new well. They know this will change their lives.

Formerly, they used to get water from the pump that we fixed two years ago. Due to the increase of  more families moving into this village, which more than doubled, they decided to get another new water well. This new water week will supply everyone with their water needs. Previously, they were not able to provide enough water from the first well to meet the demands of all the additional people moving into the village. (Attached pump picture where they were getting water before, the first picture.) They praised God for Life Outreach International in providing this new well. This new well now provides enough water to meet their needs. Without this  new well, many would suffer due to lack of water and many would become sick with many types of illnesses.